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Question for the ladies
Posted by Dance beautifully
3/1/2016  10:41:00 AM
I've asked around what makes a guy ask a lady to dance on the dance floor? Besides first hearing about height and sometimes beauty (eye roll) I ultimately heard this:

Confidence in yourself
A love to dance
Willingness to follow
Ability to hold your axis
Movement with opposition and engagement

I want to know- what do you ladies feel about that? How important are these things to you as a tango dancer and partner? How can we get to asked to all night??

Re: Question for the ladies
Posted by TundraDancingGal
3/6/2016  5:01:00 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if the answers vary more on the quality of the leader, their level of dance (social or ballroom) and the character of the gentleman. I really enjoyed a book "Hold Me Tight and Tango Me Home" and she mentions this a lot. It's a memoir about her experience in learning Argentine Tango and how it helped her after a failed marriage. She and her friend found that many men in a social setting were focused on the woman's looks more than anything else. Unless they're the wonderful type who makes sure he dances with at least every woman who seems receptive.

I've been at social ballroom events and known attractive women who were outstanding dancers get ignored. It does feel a lot like the old days of high school dances. I wonder if people do really change much?

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